PancakeSwap current price is $1.38 -5.12% (24hrs)
PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange that allows users to exchange tokens, providing liquidity via farming and earning fees in return. CAKE is the governance token for PancakeSwap.
It launched in September 2020 by anonymous developers and is a decentralized exchange for swapping BEP20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain.
The supply of CAKE is not hard-capped. Theoretically, CAKE supply is unlimited. The team is looking into conducting regular token burns to make deflation higher than emission. For example, the team will burn 10% of the CAKE collected on lottery tickets and burn half of the fund raised through Initial Farm Offerings (IFO).
The price of PancakeSwap right now is $1.38. Its price is ↓ -5.12% down in the last 24 hours.
Current Price | All Time High | Market Cap |
$1.38 | $43.96 | $400,790,845.00 |
PancakeSwap Price Changes :
Last 24 Hours | Last 7 Days | Last 30 Days | Last 1 Year |
↓ -5.12% | ↓ -31.00% | ↓ -42.08% | ↓ -43.06% |