CLUELESS About BITCOIN (Warren Buffett Won’t Even Pay $25 For It)

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CLUELESS About (Warren Buffett Won't Even Pay $25 For It)

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  1. Dang these markets sucks its really hard to stay motivated when everything keeps declining.

    1. Just keep buying low ! It’s not gonna decline for more than 6-8 more months so only so much time to stack your bags

    2. The market won’t be this way forever. Buy more and when you think you’ve bought enough buy some more..

  2. biTboy, you were not telling us to take profits last year. You were telling us “don’t sell your bitcoin, don’t sell your Ethereum, don’t sell your Cardano, don’t sell your XRP”

    Damn, should’ve sold.

  3. Stop reading the nagging and negative comments guys, I know you welcome constructive criticism but the BS rebel rousers are getting to you.

  4. Like my godfather would say. “They are only taking the air younger people need”

  5. Fuk it would it just crash down already i want to buy. Its hard not to but i am waiting kinda exited to see how low some of these will go. Stock market will go under 30s, put money away last year just 4 this. You make money in times like this not when everything is flying high. If you held onto your crypto as long as the projects are solid hold stake whatever 2 years to go clock is ticking hang in their

  6. I hope everything crashes this week so we can move forward sooner than later

  7. Staking my Pluto alliance V1 first 20$ to approve (what the hell is that) then 130$ in GAS to stake 😣😣😡thanks a lot bitboy great idea…NOT!!

  8. Ive always had coflicting views on warren buffet, seems like a “good ” guy ? but just not 21st century

  9. Love watching your show but don’t take it personal when someone does not believe in crypto. What you saying about Buffet could be said about crypto whales.

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